Tuesday, April 17, 2007

.....She Don't Wanna Be Saved

A story was recently related to me about this young man, and his trials and tribulations with his new/probably should have never been bride. I have never met this gentleman, but his story was told to me in rather intimate detail. He recently met and married this girl who is an Hispanic immigrant. She is in her early twenties, and has a 3 year old child from a previous relationship. She was working in the US, a blue-collar, hourly wage job as many first generation immigrants do when they first arrive. I can only imagine the circumstances under which he met her, but as you will see as this story unfolds, I'm sure there were signs everywhere just waiting to be read, and our poor protagonist, like so many before him, was illiterate.
Cut to a few months after the wedding, a scene in the bedroom. The new bride, perhaps in efforts to spice up their already sagging sex life, (which in and of itself is terrible after only a short time being married), she begins to make sexual requests. Much like being at a party on the dancefloor, once you get tired of hearing the same songs on repeat, you ask the DJ to spin some of your personal favorites. In this case, her sexual favorites ran into the bizarre. Requests ranged from mid-coitus punchings in the stomach, to violent face-slapping. Of course, the groom complies, however reluctantly. "I feel like a weirdo" he remarked to his friend as he was relating this episode.
He feels like a weirdo?
This same young lady, upon being notified of her new husbands deployment with the military that will take him away from home for a while says to him in broken english, "Use condoms if you cheat on me."
"That's hot..." he remarks to his friend once again. "She's mad cool about that kind of stuff..."
I would like to meet this young man, so that I could punch him in his stomach.
This kind of shit is precisely why girls think boys are idiots. I guess he was so turned on in the heat of the moment, he didn't stop to ponder how a young lady would discover an interest in such things as being beaten during sex.
Or the corresponding number of men with which she likely slept before encountering one who was so intending to punch her in her stomach, whereupon she discovered that she enjoyed being degraded during sex.
Or the fact that any wife who effectively gives her consent to her husband cheating on her, is most definitely doing the same to him, regardless of his efforts to rationalize the opposite.
The moral of the story is this: she was an immigrant girl, trying to get by with a small child, who felt so comfortable with a young, silly American-male that she hardly knew, that she decided to marry him.
The signs are everywhere, just take a moment to read them, and save the world the trouble of having to deal with the consequences....
Don't save her.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Ladder of Idiocy

Everybody has the potential to be an idiot. Because that is the lowest possible level of human achievement. Everybody starts at the ground floor where we're born, but as you experience and learn more you get stronger, and you can use that strength to move your way up the ladder.
Some of us are capable of climbing further than the others, and some who aren't as well endowed of intellect can make their way up through good-old fashioned hard work. But one way or the other, if you're going to climb the ladder, you have to be strong enough to do it.
Its obviously easier to stay at the bottom, you don't even have to break a sweat if you do, that's why some never leave the bottom. But the more intriguing phenomenon is when people voluntarily climb down.
Climbing down is always easier to, all you really have to do is let go of your perch and gravity will take care of the rest. But instead of a rough landing on unforgiving ground like what happens in real life, at the bottom of the ladder of idiocy is a nice cushy pillow of absent-mindedness and non-thought. So many people feel at home on this pillow it's disturbing.
I think a lot of this pervasive idiocy has to do with the fact that we reinforce it constantly. TV and the internet are designed to make money for someone. And that someone knows what they are doing, they are catering to the basest level of the ladder, because that's the one with the biggest potential audience since that's the default setting and most of us are down there already. And if the people further up feel tempted to check out what all the noise is down there, all they have to do is let go of the ladder and gravity will bring them right down, front and center in the auditorium of nonsense.
But what happens is that when we come down to the ground and look at the TV or the internet or whatever, we see this reinforcement to our own idiocy.This allows us to make assumptions about our own relative intelligence. If you watch a bunch of stupidity on TV, and all of your friends do too, then it becomes normal for you. It gets to the point where you forget that you can climb.
To me, it's not acceptable to sit idly on your hands just because it's easier, and it's even worse if you are one of the people jumping off of the high rungs of the ladder to test out that pillow at the bottom. Yea it's comfortable, because it's easy, and it allows you to turn your brain off. But if you are capable of being near the top of the ladder, that's where you need to be going. Doing anything else just can't be acceptable. Fuck that pillow!