Friday, March 30, 2007

4th Time Around

When she said,
"Don't waste your words, they're just lies,"
I cried she was deaf.
And she worked on my face until breaking my eyes,
Then said, "What else you got left?"
It was then that I got up to leave
But she said, "Don't forget,
Everybody must give something back
For something they get."

As long as I can remember, I've never wanted to be a taker. I think it's because I've been given so much, it just seems selfish. I am fortunate. My family has been able to give me so much more than some ever see. I can't just take it and run. I have to turn it into something for someone else. When a tree grows in the forest, it takes everything it needs to become a tree from the soil it lives in, and from the water that falls around it. When that tree's life is over, it falls to the ground and rots, giving back everything it took, so that the next generation can start off a little better than the last. Some people want to penalize you for advantages that you've been given where they haven't. Those people are fighting the wrong battle, their greatest enemy is their own self. Those that know better can look past this and see only their goal. My goal is to give something back for everything that I have got.

And, when I was through
I filled up my shoe
And brought it to you.
And you, you took me in,
You loved me then
You didn't waste time.
And I, I never took much,
I never asked for your crutch.
Now don't ask for mine.
- Bobby Zimmerman

Thursday, March 29, 2007

"Reality TV" Or How I learned to stop worrying and love commercials.

What is MTV really for? And it's not just MTV, BET (same thing), most TV in fact. I pick on these two because they're particularly terrible. Beyond the fact that they don't really show music videos anymore, I just don't get it. Music videos aren't anything worth watching these days either but still, at least that limited the amount of nonsense your brain could take in to about 3 minute intervals.
The Real World?
Road Rules?
Flavor of Love?
I Love New York?
Are you kidding me?

This is what they're trying to sell me now? And I do mean sell. You can tell so much about the programming that you're watching by just taking a look at the commercials. Next time you flip to one of these channels (which I hope you never do again in life) take a look at the products and services that they're trying to sell you during the commercials. Even assuming it is a worthwhile product which it almost never is, look at how they try to do it. I used to see one commercial imploring me to send a text message to some number, and they will send me back a HAHA joke-of-the-day!
Or the classic, send a text message to this number to get on Lex Luthor's email buddy list. Do you know how long it previously was since I had heard the name Lex Luthor? And now, as I enter adulthood, they want me to pay to send them a text message so they can flood my inbox with mail from a fictional comic book character. And it's funny because commercials require companies to spend money. And they don't spend money unless they intend to get it back. Which means that somewhere, on this spinning blue marble of ineptitude we call earth, and specifically in the US, someone is texting these people, and telling their friends the joke of the day because this is the best answer they have come up with.
We can't be serious, everyone is slowly becoming the joke of the day. I'm just trying not to be the punchline.