Monday, May 21, 2007

Red Flags and Automatic DQs

I believe every person ought to have in their arsenal for evaluating potential girlfriends/boyfriends/future spouses, a few of what I like to call automatic disqualifiers. I'm all for giving people a chance to show themselves, and even to make up for mistakes that they have made, but some shit is just too much to take. For me personally, there are a few things that a girl can say to me that will overshadow any other desirable traits she has, and lead me to conclude that I cannot entertain her any longer than I already have. Some stuff goes without saying (for example being told by a girl that she would be interested in sex with two-men at a time) however there are some that can slip by a little easier I think. Here are just a few of the ones that really stick out in my head.

*Explicit language that may be inappropriate for some contained herein*

If a girl ever tries to describe what kind of guy she likes and says anything like, "I want a smart guy, but with a little thug in him...." Leave, quickly.

If during any part of a girl's "game", she references pop music, she's done. Case in point, a few years back during the 50 Cent rage, in the early stages of speaking to this one particular girl, she put forth, "Can I ask you 21 questions?" To which one can only respond, "No, you corny bitch! Feel free to go to hell, though."

If a girl makes it known to me that at any point in her sexual life she found it appropriate to act in an intentional manner, thereby consenting to her male sex-partner secreting ejaculatory fluids onto her facial region, so help me God, this asswipe's life is over as far as I'm concerned. Any time a girl lets this happen, her soul leaves her body for good, and never comes back. Please don't have children.

Along the same lines, I've been told by a credible associate that his experience dictates wariness of girls with nose-rings, I imagine the same goes with other sorts of exotic piercings that merit red-flags.

Additions will be made as they arise.

1 comment:

Ferdinand&Flowers said...

Mike, PUUUHHHHHLEAAAAAASE update this soon. Im cracking up at work