Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Do The Wrong Thing: A Dissertation on the Meaning of Life as a Comedy. Part I

"I think people used to be really, really, really, smart. But the dumb ones just out-fucked the smart ones."
-- Joe Rogan

The meaning of life as I see it pretty much boils down to this: We're here simply to make more people, and to make sure that the world and all of its resources last long enough for them to do the same. This is the name of the game, but some of us just aren't playing right.
I often find that few professionals have the ability to keenly sniff out and articulate some of the more dominant, common-sense themes in life better than comedians. If I was picking people that would be in charge of leading our collective thought process as a society, there would surely be several comedians among them. This sounds crazy, but if you think about it, it almost makes sense.
What is a comedians job? To produce laughs.
And how do they do this? Not just by telling jokes, but by offering commentary on life, and turning that material into jokes.
But in order for this to have its desired effect, it must first make sense. Jokes that don't make sense aren't funny, therefore with few exceptions, nonsensical comedians don't stay comedians for very long. This is why I would choose them to run things, because their job is basically to say things that make sense. What a remarkable upgrade from the job-description of our current leaders.
The point I'm trying to make here was perhaps best articulated by the comedian Joe Rogan. He said quite simply, "Dumb people are out-breeding smart people at an absolutely astonishing rate." Wow! How perfect, yet so simple, I couldn't have said it better myself. But this begs the question, why? Why are smart people essentially losing the big game to dumb people? Here's what I think.
First of all, the people that we are referring to here in the category of 'dumb' are not just limited to your run-of-the-mill natural numbskulls, but this category also extends past the realm of natural intelligence and penetrates into the social strata.
Many of these people being referred to I believe are those who for one reason or another are members of a society which has placed either a reduced emphasis on education, or have a reduced capacity to obtain one. This is the easier scenario to diagnose because in this respect, life is like a race. The object is to get to the finish line, but it's not the same race for everybody. Those who are raised with both the expectation and capacity to achieve a higher level of education are necessarily running a longer race than those who hop off of the educational train at an earlier stop. From a purely time-oriented perspective, those running the longer race have certainly less time, probably less oppurtunity, and also less motivation to commence pro-creative behavior than their counterparts. The burden of carrying a full academic courseload, with or without a steady source of income is a heavy enough task, people in such a situation tend to recognize that conceiving a child is a scenario best postponed until a better time. However, it is not my suggestion that people who have kids earlier on in life are necessarily all idiots, but the presumption is that there are more fuck-ups and mental midgets in this category than there are genuinely forward thinking individuals.
Just to get this part out of the way early, this is going to sound pretty misogynistic, but it has to be said. I place a slightly larger portion of the blame on women than I do on men. As men, we've certainly made a hearty contribution towards doing it all wrong, but I will get to that later. The reason for my saying women are closer to 51% responsible is that by nature, women are the sexual selectors of our species. Meaning that if the search for sex and a person to reproduce with are the modern day equivalent of a job search, women are the pen-tapping, question-asking, appearance-studying, judgment-making employers, and men are the resume wielding, big-talking, would-be employees looking for someplace to set-up shop and collect a few paychecks.
So it is the job of these employers to select the most suitable employees to perform the necessary tasks associated with the position. If the position they are being hired for is potential co-parent, there are some very important considerations, and valuable traits have to be selected for. But what I think happens is some interviewers have no idea what they're doing and just start throwing darts at a board full of headshots. Either that, or people have completely forgotten the idea that just like in the commercial world, actual products are often very different from their advertisements. Most people go to great lengths to downplay any possible weak-points they have, especially people prowling for pleasures of the flesh. Remember, "Batteries not included"? Don't hold your breath waiting for a person to make any such declaration as to their own deceptive packaging.
In the course of my life I have encountered many young girls raising offspring predominantly on their own, and on occasion have questioned them as to what led them to their decision to mate with the father. Answers range from sound and reasonable, all the way down to the pits of absolute buffoonery. One answer that stood out in my mind, "I liked his hair, I wanted my kids to have really curly hair like that." What?

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