Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Do The Wrong Thing Pt. II: Double Standards and Prophylactics

"The basket is the same height in men's and women's basketball. It's the same game, there's no difference."
"Yea there is, the attendance."
-- ?

Sometimes double standards exist for a reason. In a strictly biological sense it is to a mans advantage to have sex and create the potential for offspring with many different women. Its like filling out free lottery tickets, it doesn't cost him anything, and he might win big, i.e. make another child. This is all presuming that he is going to have limited if any presence in raising said child, as he likely has a primary female to whom he allocates most of his meaningful resources. Even if he doesn't have a go-to girl, he probably just discovered the world of promiscuity, and has little intention to harness his urges because as we all know, sex is pretty fun. Sadly however, for the banner-waving, square-shouldered, bucket-headed young ladies screaming for equality in everything down to the most harmful of vices, the same advantages cannot be said to exist for the female of the species.
The reason is quite simply because men cannot get pregnant. It's a low-cost, relatively low-risk operation for a guy to bounce from girl to girl having sex, regardless of any intention to procreate, at the very least it's fun for him. Sure it's probably fun for her too, but at a pretty considerable price mark-up. The worst case scenario for Mr. Unattached Leg-splitter is that he (God forbid) catch some transmittable ailment. The worst case scenario for Ms. Guys-Get-to-Do-It-So-Why-Can't-I is quite different. She runs the risk of creating a child with a man who has no intention, desire, or perhaps even ability to raise one. Back to the comedian theme, Chris Rock pre-emptively rebutted the next militant female equalitarian argument quite nicely with this gem. "Just because a woman can raise a kid without a man doesn't mean its to be done. You can drive a car with your feet if you want to, that doesn't make it a good idea."
We humans have a general two-parent system set-up for a good reason, raising a child is a daunting task, and if it is to be done properly, the duties are best shared by two mature, like-minded adults. So it naturally behooves us all as potential parents to see to it that the other half of our progeny's genes come from a well-scrutinized counterpart cut to our liking, or as close as you can reasonably get. People who fit this description aren't always going to look the part at a glance, and some who do look the part are in reality the very last person you want helping to raise your child, hence the sexual selection process.
Somewhere around the time people figured out how to take prophylactic measures to reduce the likelihood of conception, things really started to go awry. - The Birth of Sport Fucking- Once this happened, it became a much more affordable luxury to choose sexual partners based strictly on their physical appeal. The problem with this being obvious, not everyone who looks to be a good time in the bedroom is someone you want to split genes with. But now we can avoid unwanted conceptions altogether, so lets have some fun! We all know how this story ends, yet we keep telling it over and over again.

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